忠誠と報奨の政軍関係 -フィリピン・アロヨ大統領の国軍人事と政治の介入-
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This paper examines the relationship between President Gloria M. Arroyo and officers of the ArmedForces of the Philippines (AFP) in order to consider the connection between the military and politics.During the Arroyo administration, some officers of the AFP staged several coup attempts. However, thoseattempts all failed to topple the administration, and no coup occurred in its final two and half years. On thecontrary, in a last phase of the administration, there was speculation that President Arroyo was conspiringto declare martial law to extend her grip on power in collusion with AFP's high-ranking officers.Assuming that, despite the existence of discontent among officers, President Arroyo could win thesupport of generals and could build a relatively favorable relationship with the AFP, this paper examineswhat kind of and how the president build a relationship with the AFP. To examine these, this paper looksinto the president's manipulation of personnel affairs (appointments and promotions of AFP officers) andseveral factors which influenced her manipulation.This paper demonstrates that by appointing AFP officers who were personally close to her and whowere loyal to her, President Arroyo strengthened relationship with the AFP. Additionally, it will be pointedout that this kind of relationship which is based on personal closeness and loyalty is a general characteristicof civil-military relations in the Philippines.
- 2011-03-31
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