アレントの趣味判断論 : 共通世界の他者
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清水新二教授定年退職記念号One of the most important keywords of Arendt's thought is plurality. By using the word plurality, she emphasizes the importance of others, who should not be incorporated into self . Presence of others permits one to construct the common world. In this context, Arendt speaks of ‘the joy of inhabiting together with others a world whose reality is guaranteed for each by the presence of all’.How did Arendt interpret Kant's Critique of Judgment? What did she learn from the book? The purpose of this paper is to answer these questions with special emphasis on plurality. In doing so, I should like to pay attention to her insistence that the faculty of judgment implies a political activity, which is the most important idea she drew from Kant. Arendt says that in culture as well as in politics `it is not knowledge or truth which is at stake, but rather judgment and decision, the judicious exchange of opinion about the sphere of public life and the common world, and the decision what manner of action is to be taken in it, as well as to how it is to look henceforth, what kind of things are to appear in it'. For Arendt, judging enables the sharing-the-world-with-others.By examining these themes of Arendt, this paper emphasizes the importance of her ideas such as spectators, more accurately plurality of spectators, and life, as narrative. This means the importance of plurality in Arednt's thought.This paper consists of the following chapters: Introduction Chapter l: Art and Politics Chapter 2: Judgment of taste, presence of others and the common world Chapter 3: Plurality of spectators Chapter 4: Life as narrative Concluding Remarks
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