Nuclear Winter and the End of the Age of Agriculture
- 論文の詳細を見る
The devastating assault on the Earth's climate called the nuclear winter effect has recently been claimed to be even more serious than was shown a quarter century ago. This discovery forms the backdrop for a survey of the views of scientists toward the pre-1938 possibility of harnessing nuclear energy, their reaction to the discovery of nuclear fission, and their actions toward the acquisition and use of nuclear weapons.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 2010-12-30
日本科学史学会 | 論文
- モーペルテュイの「作用」,オイラーの「労力」 : 十八世紀中葉における二つの最小作用の原理
- Peter J. Bowler and Iwan R. Morus, Making Modern Science : A Historical Survey, University of Chicago Press, c2005, viii, 529p, ISBN : 0226068609 (cloth); 0226068617 (pbk)
- オイラーとラグランジュ:最小作用の原理から『解析力学』へ(古典力学の展開オイラー生誕300年を記念して-2007年度年会報告-)
- オイラーの変分力学
- ベンゼン電子式の発展