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In the "heavy bombardment" age about 3.8-4Gyr ago, a large amount of icy extraterrestrial objects frequently entered the early earth's atmosphere. Chemical reactions occurring in the high temperature shock layer over an entry object are expected to affect the formation of the atmospheric composition and the prebiotic materials. In this study, we consider C-H-O-N 28 species model to describe the shock layer flow in the freestream of CO_2-N_2 mixture with the ablation injection of H_2O. First the chemical nonequilibrium viscous shock-layer (VSL) equations are numerically solved. The results show that HCN, one of the most important prebiotic materials, can be produced in the shock layer. To consider the complicated realistic shape of the entry object, the Navier-Stokes analysis is necessary. Then, to conduct efficiently the Navier-Stokes analysis with the complicated chemical reaction system, we propose the hybrid formulation of the conservative form equations with the non-conservative form equations for the nonequilibirum primitive variables, such as the vibrational temperature and the mass fractions of the chemical species. As the test case, the results of a shock-tube problem with the 11-air-species model are shown.
- 2010-09-09
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