2006AM06-17-011 海中における埋め立て土砂の沈降と拡がりに関する実験的研究(河川・湖沼・沿岸域の環境流体(2),一般講演)
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This paper presents experimental investigations on dispersion of sand dumped into still water. The experiments were conducted for three cases as follows; (1) sedimentation of sand dumped from discharge pipe, (2) sedimentation of a sand slug dumped into water, and (3) sedimentation of sand dumped in a jet flow of water. The horizontal dispersion reaches at bottom have been characterized for each case. Also, it has been made to estimate the horizontal dispersion reaches by the proposed empirical equations.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2006-09-05
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- 2006AM06-17-011 海中における埋め立て土砂の沈降と拡がりに関する実験的研究(河川・湖沼・沿岸域の環境流体(2),一般講演)
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