AM06-07-009 フラッシング排砂時の水みち形成プロセスの数値シミュレーション(移動床の流体力学(3),一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A two-dimensional numerical model for a bed variation was constructed based on the finite-volume method (FVM), flux-difference splitting (FDS) scheme and unstructured grid system. The effect of gravity associated with the slope angle in longitudinal and lateral directions on the sediment transport and the mechanism of slope-collapse so as to keep the local slope angle be equaled to or less than the angle of response were considered in the model. The model could also treat the not only mobile but also fixed bed based on the technique proposed by Struiksma. The model verified against the experimental data of a channel formation process during flushing sediments through the reservoir. It shows that the model has ability to reproduce the channel formation process, but the more improvement is needed to predict the channel formation process with reasonable accuracy.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2006-09-05
重枝 未玲
秋山 壽一郎
重枝 未玲
秋山 壽一郎
小牧 貴大
才木 康裕
小牧 貴大
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