AM06-07-006 非構造格子を用いた有限体積法による河川構造物を伴う流れ場と河床変動の解析 : 水制等による河川再生のための土砂管理に向けて(移動床の流体力学(2),一般講演)
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This paper presents the flow and bed evolution due to the construction of local hydraulic structures such as groins in a river restoration project with both experimental and numerical methods. The hydraulic functions of groins, in particular during the restoration of channel morphologies, have been evaluated. The experiment is based on a large-scale physical model and is able to resolve the local flow and sediment phenomena with a relatively high accuracy. The numerical model is formulated on an unstructured mesh system and allows the exact representation of complex geometries. The numerical results have been compared with those of the experimental measurements. Reasonable agreements have been obtained in both the flow patterns and bed variations. Therefore, the numerical model is expected to serve as a powerful analysis tool and provide useful information on the decision-making and post-assessing for the sediment management in river restoration.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2006-09-05
Nakagawa H
Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Nakagawa Hajime
Muto Yasunori
Zhang Hao
Touchi Daizaburou
Nakagawa Hajime
Associate Professor Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Nakagawa Hajime
River Disaster Prevention System, Research Center for Fluvial and Coastal Disasters, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
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