AM05-12-012 非円形吹出し口を用いた縦渦発生ジェットに伴う渦構造(乱流渦構造3,一般講演)
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Flow separation is an undesirable phenomenon because it causes the large energy losses in a fluid machinery and stall on airfoils. The vortex generator jet method is an active control of flow separation and can achieve the adaptive control by properly adjusting the jet speed. Jets in a crossflow provide complex flow fields that contain many vortices. It is important that the details of near fields of the jet are clarified for issuing the jet into a crossflow. For the vortex generator jets, the suppression of flow separation is affected by the jet orifice shape. In this study, structural features resulting from the interaction of a non-circular jet issuing transversely into a crossflow are described with the help of flow visualization technique and hot-wire anemometry. The formation and behavior of the vortices in the wake were affected by crossflow Reynolds numbers and the jet orifice shape.
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- AM05-12-012 非円形吹出し口を用いた縦渦発生ジェットに伴う渦構造(乱流渦構造3,一般講演)