C231 PDF/モーメント組み合わせ法による乱流噴流拡散火炎のモデル解析(C-23 燃焼流(2),一般講演)
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A solution of scalar probability density function approach has been investigated for turbulent non-premixed jet flames. The PDF approach can treat source term directly. This is the most advantageous point of this approach. The Monte-Carlo method, which estimates the transport of pdf's between neighboring grids, is used for the solution of PDF approach. The previous Monte-Carlo method has a problem, which underestimates the mixing downstream in the computational domain. In the present study, we have proposed a combined PDF/moment method to improve the accuracy of Monte-Carlo simulation. In the first step, the combined PDF/flamelet model method has been applied to a hydrogen/nitrogen jet diffusion flame.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2004-08-09
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- C231 PDF/モーメント組み合わせ法による乱流噴流拡散火炎のモデル解析(C-23 燃焼流(2),一般講演)
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