A221 透過型水制を有する開水路湾曲部流れの2次流と河床変動(A-22 河川における移動床流れ(2),一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Permeable spur dikes placed in curved river reaches have resistance to flow and influence 3-D flow structures including pressure-driven secondary flows and bed evolution. In this study, three-dimensional mean flow structures were measured in a curved open channel with various heights of cylindrical roughness elements arranged along an outer bank. Furthermore, the effects of spur dikes on the local scour were examined by the experiments in a movable bed. The secondary flow cell characteristic of curved channel was affected by the height of roughness. The pattern of scour area was changed with an increase of the height of roughness. Three-dimensional numerical calculations with zero equation and k-ε turbulence model were conducted and compared with the experimental results. The characteristic patterns of secondary flow and bed shear stress were well predicted by this model. The calculated bed profiles also agree with the experimental results in reasonable accuracy.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2004-08-09
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