アメリカの通商政策と中国のWTO加盟 : 対中関与政策とは何か
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By the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of Cold War, the Clinton administration reviewed its China policy and introduced a new framework, that of Comprehensive Engagement. Under the Comprehensive Engagement framework the US government negotiated continuously and simultaneously three important issues, the military, the economy, and human rights, in order to integrate China into international society. But Republican conservative and Democratic liberal factions of Congress opposed and delayed the Clinton administration's China policy. The former expressed concern over the rise of China in East Asia, while the latter noted human rights violations in China. Moreover, various interest groups intervened in the policy process with their demands. They criticized the Clinton's Comprehensive Engagement for its appeasing stance, the lack of strategic and long term consideration, and its mainly economic focus. As a result, Clinton's Comprehensive Engagement was frequently criticized as being ad hoc and inconsistent, because US China policy was distorted by the diffusion of political issues and the strong influence of domestic politics after the Cold War. This paper analyzes the policy process of the US-China agreement on China's WTO accession, which is the most important result of Comprehensive Engagement, and a bill granting permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) to China, which is a precondition of the former. This process is examined from two points of view. One is the external aspect: negotiations with the Chinese government. The US tried to promote democracy and a market economy in China through accession negotiations with China. Another is the internal aspect: intervention of economic interests in the policy process and bargaining between the administration and Congress. In domestic politics, the Clinton administration needed to bundle the various interests of Congress into one integrated policy: Comprehensive Engagement. The House and Senate, Republican controlled since 1995, were able to restrain implementation of the Clinton administration's policies. In conclusion, this paper shows the consistency of the Clinton administration's Comprehensive Engagement and that there was an agreement between the Clinton administration and Republican leaders.
- 2011-01-30
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