Vanity Fair : ベッキー・シャープの人物描写と時代の肖像としての作品の性格
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Vanity Fair : A Novel without a Hero is a novel by William MakepeaceThackeray (1811_63), first published in 1847_48, satirizing society in early nineteenthcentury Britain. The book's title comes from John Bunyan's allegoricalstory The Pilgrim's Progress, first published in 1678 and still widely read at thetime of Thackeray's novel. Vanity Fair refers to a stop along the pilgrim's progress: a never-ending fair held in a town called Vanity, which is meant to representman's sinful attachment to worldly things.The story opens at Miss Pinckerton's Academy for Young Ladies, where theprincipal protagonists Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley have just completed theirstudies and are preparing to depart for Amelia's house in Russell Square. Beckyis portrayed as a strong-willed and cunning young woman determined to makeher way in society, and Amelia Sedley as a good-natured, loveable, thoughsimple-minded young girl.Becky Sharp, the anti-heroin and Amelia's opposite, is an intelligent youngwoman with a gift for satire. Fluent in both French and English, Beckey has abeautiful singing voice, plays the piano, and shows great talent as an actress.Never having known financial or social security, Becky desires it above allthings. She does nearly everything with the intention of securing a stable positionfor herself and her husband after she and Rawdon are married. She advancesRawdon's interests tirelessly, flirting with men such as General Tufto and theMarquess of Steyne in order to get him promoted.Marrying Rawdon Crawley in secret was a mistake. She also fails to manipulateMiss Crawley through Rawdon so as to obtain an inheritance. AlthoughBecky manipulates men very cleverly, she does not even try to cultivate thefriendship of most women. Lady Jane, the Dobbin sisters, and Lady Steyne seeright through her. Amelia and Miss Crawley are exceptions to the rule.What has to be noticed is that Becky plays an important part in Amelia'smarriage. After George Osborne's death, Amelia is obsessed with her son andwith the memory of her husband. She ignores William Dobbin who has courtedher for years. Becky shows her George's letter, and Amelia realizes what a goodman Dobbin is. Amelia eventually marries Dobbin. Thackeray gives Becky thesocial mobility which makes her experience different social classes. Her socialmobility makes her recognize the true value of Dobbin. Thackeray uses Beckeywho experiences different social classes as the character who tells Amelia thetrue value of Dobbin.
- 2011-03-30
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