ファンドスキームの様々な取り組み : 地域・環境再生との関連を中心に
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In recent years, rehabilitations of medium and small enterprises are getting important. Various activities, Guideline of Out-of-court Workouts for Financial Institutions, Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan and Councils for Rehabilitation of medium and small enterprises, have been introduced by the Japanese government. The activities were effective to improve balance sheets of the enterprises, but sales and profits were not always improved. In order to improve them, economic situation of the regions where the distressed enterprises are operating have to be vitalized. Regional vitalizations need various activities such as utilizing regional resources, training human resources and constructing financial channels. Among the financial channels, this paper focuses on and examines investment fund schemes, because the investment fund schemes in which citizens invest in order to improve environmental and regional situations are getting remarkable. In addition, we examine the roles and effects of wind power generation funds, photovoltaic power generation funds, agricultural funds and forest funds.
- 2011-03-28
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- ファンドスキームの様々な取り組み : 地域・環境再生との関連を中心に
- 鈴木幾多郎先生を称えて (鈴木幾多郎教授退任記念号)