チェコスロバキアの土壌(1) : 主要森林土壌の形態および性質
- 論文の詳細を見る
Forest soil symposium of ISSS was held in Zvolen, Czechoslovakia in Sept., 1977. In this report, the main forest soils observed during the excursion are introduced on the basis of the excursion guide book, and the writer's opinions based on the field observation are added. And, the consideration on the features of soils in CSSR and on the difference of soils between CSSR and the Northeast Japan is given from various angles. The excursion was practiced in the fields from Slovakia to Moravia (see Fig. 1), and the areas surveyed and the soil profiles examined are as Table 1. The soils observed in these areas are classified into the following 6 soil groups; 1). podzols, 2). acid (unsaturated) brown forest soils, 3). illimerized soils, 4). saturated brown forest soils, 5). brown carbonaceous forest soils, 6). rendzina (see Fig. 2). Considering from the profile trend of acidity and contents of humus and clay, it is found that each soil has its original characteristics (see Fig. 3〜6). Acid soils and podzols of CSSR are like those of the Northeast Japan, but carbonaceous soils and rendzina are not existent in here. Especially, the surface horizons of those carbonaceous soils have been acidified with the effect of forest vegetation but sub- soils keep the neutral to alkaline reactions due to the nature of calcareous parent materials and the environmental conditions. Such a phenomenon is not recognized in the Northeast Japan. Both CSSR and the Northeast Japan belong to the cool-temperature zone, but, in the former, the annual precipitation is considerably little, and the annual fluctuations of both precipitation and temperature are narrow (see Fig. 7). The writer considers that those climatic conditions might be main reasons for the simplification of forest vegetation and for the preservation of characteristics of calcareous parent materials in forest soils.
- 森林立地学会の論文
- 1979-03-30
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- チェコスロバキアの土壌(1) : 主要森林土壌の形態および性質
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