B-6 空気抵抗を利用した肩関節の筋力訓練機の開発(傷害評価)
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We have presented AIR FLIPPER^<[○!R]> (normal) and AIR FLIPPER J^<[○!R]> (J), which use air resistance tor rotator cuff exercise. Here we show a new AIR FLIPPER^<[○!R]> (new) in cooperation with Mizuno Sports Co. Ltd. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the new FLIPPER in training the inner muscle. Five primary school boys, 5 high school boys and adult men. all without shoulder disorders, joined the study. Activities of infraspinatus, posteror deltoid, pectralis major and biceps muscles were examined at internal and external rotation at 1st position, using electromyogram. The results show that the inner muscle was more active than the outer muscles with the three FLIPPER models and that the outer muscles were less active with the new model than with the normal model. It may be concluded mat the new AIR FLIPPER^<[○!R]> is more efficient all for generation.
- 2009-12-02
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