日本工作機械産業の技術発展メカニズム : モジュール化によるNC装置と工作機械の共進化(<特集>裾野産業の変容:アジアのキャッチアップ,迫られる日本の戦略転換)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Japan's machine tool production was in the top position for 25 years since 1982, but decreased in 2009 by 56.5% from the level in the previous year, lowering the rank to the third and yielding the top position to China. The technical level of the machine tool industry in a country is indicative of its technology base. What happened in the competitiveness of the sector of strategic importance even for its relatively small market? Examination of the official trade statistics up to 2008 permitted to discern the trade structure of machine tools in East Asia and Japan's position in it. It was revealed that Japan has always enjoyed export surplus in this sector, indicating its technological competitiveness intact. The author argue that a coevolution mechanism between the NC equipment and machine tools has been at work as an important factor that supported the development of Japan's machine tool industry.
- 2010-12-17
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