人口減少時代における衛星都市の問題と課題 : 大阪府高槻市を事例に
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Satellite city is a town which has developed in the suburbs of a big city. In the high-economic-growth period, satellite cities had grown steadily as bedroom suburbs of big cities in Japan. Takatsuki-shi, located between Osaka-shi and Kyoto-shi, is also one of those satellite cities. In this city, industrial plants of many big businesses and comfortable residentialsections were built after World War II. The population increased rapidly in the 1960s and the 1970s. Although the rapid population increase suffered the city, it stabilized the tax revenues from the plants built by big businesses and increased the number of new citizens in the young generations. Many citizens commute to office or school in Osaka-shi and Kyoto-shi, big neighbor cities. Until now, the issue of the city office has been restricted to the maintenance of nice residential sections and commercial activities. However, the big businesses began to relocate their plants overseas and to close domestic factories. The commercial facilities and apartment buildings are built at the old factory site. Moreover, the citizen who flowed into the city for a short period of time is aging. The city also faces the problem of decline in birthrate. This paper analyzes and examines the problems of satellite city in Japan, based on the study of Takatsuki-shi as an example.
- 日本福祉大学の論文
- 2005-08-31
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