経営倫理の国際比較と展望 : 米独日を例として
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This Article compares the business ethics in three countries: namely USA, Germany and Japan, explains what is the most important points to understand the characteristics of the business ethics in each country and try to clarify the substantial difference among these countries, focusing on what relation between the economic rationality and morality are recognized. In the USA the two elements are perceived as divided and of different roots, in Germany as unified or of same root and in Japan they are wholly blended without any rational thinking of American or German style. Each has both merits and demerits. It is only important to recognize them correctly as they are, then to harmonize them and in that process to try to construct new business ethics in future for global society.
- 日本経営倫理学会の論文
- 1998-03-31
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- 経営倫理の国際比較と展望 : 米独日を例として
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- IG-ファルベン成立史-2-カ-ル・ドイスベルクの「ドイツの諸染料会社の結合に関する覚書」-下-
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