- 論文の詳細を見る
How can business enterprises be ethical under keen competition? How can we be ethical under hierarchical power pressure? These questions tell us how competition and power behavior are related to ethical problems. In the first part of this essay, I studied competition and power as deeply related affairs within an integrated framework. Moreover, I analysed them in the context of market mechanism and organization, based on conflict model (political model) rather than harmony model. In the second part of this essay, I mentioned some problems that competition and power behavior bring about. Concerning competition, typical problems are (1) excessive competition which brings natural resources loss, environment polution and falling together of competitors, (2) dirty means which is used to beat the rival. Concerning power, typical problems are (1) excesses of power use and manipulation, (2) power relation which deprives man of his freedom. To cope with these problems, we must consider how competion and power should be, because we are homo-symbolicus that think meaning of competition and power.
- 日本経営倫理学会の論文
- 1997-03-31
- 自由競争と経営倫理(その1)競争のフレームワーク,競争態度
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- 企業経営と自由経済システム
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- 自由競争と経営倫理(その1) : 競争のフレームワーク,競争態度
- 独占的戦争,パワー,組織 : 「普通の」経済行動と高次のCSR
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