- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1974, Shiina Etsusaburo, who was the vice-president of the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP), decided to nominate Miki Takeo for the president of the LDP. There are four reasons why Miki was nominated. First, Shiina expected that Miki could modernize LDP. Second, Miki had a long career as a member of the House of Representatives. Third, there was the only situation where Miki could be nominated. And forth, Shiina prevented Miki from making a new party.After Miki became a prime minister of Japan, he set out to form a cabinet. When Miki chose the ministers, he considered balance of factions of LDP, the number of times person was elected, and a member of the House of Councillors. As a result, Miki's organization of cabinet became much different form his first design.This organization suggests that Miki suffered from conducting the government.
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