定住化による草原牧畜業経営の展開に関する一考察 : 新疆ウイグル自治区を事例に
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At present, the Chinese government is promoting settlement of pastoral nomads in the Xinjiang region. This article will examine actual changes in nomadic livestock management, and its characteristics. Main factors of changes in nomadic livestock management during the settlement process are 1) pastoral management style which is defined by the natural condition of a given pastoral area and 2) the ability of the nomadic livestock management body. The livestock production base and social infrastructure plays rather a minor role for the settlement. The following changes occurred because of settlement. First, the traditional nomadic livestock production method, which requires seasonal movement, was replaced with lesser movement of herds and crop production became part of the nomadic life. Nomads started to build fences for winter which decreased the number of nomads and nomadic families who move seasonally. Traditional nomadic production groups, which consisted of several families, were dismantled. Instead, settled nomads start to delegate care of their livestock to the nomads who still continue their seasonal movements. Second, introduction of crop production among nomads, and its success was variables in the Xinjiang region, dependent on natural conditions and market access. The method of crop production was largely affected by the individual nomad's initiatives and market oriented activities, as well.
- 2009-02-27