ボトムアップ型地域農業振興システムの構築を目指した取り組み : 津別町の事例(2008年度秋季大会シンポジウム共通論題「農業農村を支える多様な組織活動-農商工連携の取組み-」)
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In this study, I will comment firstly on the process of establishing comprehensive bottom-up type agriculture promotion supported by local government, in the case of Tsubetsu Town. And then I will argue about the possible use of a participatory approach to agricultural promotion and the role of the engagement of researchers as well as agricultural cooperatives and local government. In Tsubetsu Town, "the Conference of Agriculture Promotion" was organized in the 1990's with the participation of farmers, the staff of agricultural cooperative, and the local government. This conference focused on the crisis of local agriculture. Participants pointed the way to resolutions of agricultural crisis, and the agriculture of Tsubetu entered a new stage. For example, some farmer's incorporation of enterprises were established, and a support system for applicants in farming and the dairy farming sector was created. A successful outcome of the conference saw farmers taking the initiative in solving problems, and seriously engaging in the development and implementation of agriculture promotion.
- 2010-02-28
- ボトムアップ型地域農業振興システムの構築を目指した取り組み : 津別町の事例(2008年度秋季大会シンポジウム共通論題「農業農村を支える多様な組織活動-農商工連携の取組み-」)
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