19世紀イギリスにおけるユニテリアン・フェミニスト : 信仰、自立そして経済学
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In this paper, I propose a strong contribution of the nineteenth century Unitarian feminists upon the twentieth century's crusade for women's rights. Numerous studies have been performed concerning the Women's Suffrage movement of the twentieth century and the history of women's political thought from the early eighteenth century to the present. On the contrary, there have been few investigations focusing on the Unitarian feminist movement; therefore, I present this research, based upon Autobiography by Harriet Martineau, who was an influential Unitarian writer of the Victorian era. Reference will also be made to reports published in The English Woman's Journal that relate to Unitarian society.
- 2010-02-28
- 19世紀イギリスにおけるユニテリアン・フェミニスト : 信仰、自立そして経済学
- 杉原四郎著作集II, 『自由と進歩 : J.S.ミル研究』, 藤原書店, 2003年8月刊, A5版, 図版2ページ+572ページ, 本体12,000円+税