石原純の前期量子論史における位置づけ : ボーズ統計,ド・ブロイ位相波,アインシュタイン量子条件に類する先駆的研究
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To exemplify that the level of Japanese physics during late-Meiji and Taisho era was higher than hitherto considered, the status in the history of early quantum theory of Jun Ishiwara's two papers published just before and after his studying in Europe is explored. The first one is his 1911-1912 paper, "Contributions to the Theory of Light-Quantum." In Part II of this, he derived Planck's radiation formula, presuming not only individual light-quanta, but also their complex named "light-molecules." His approach entailed already the essence of Bose statistics, with light molecules playing the role of Bose's phase-space cells presented in 1924. De Broglie utilized in 1922 the same term "light-molecule" and the same series expansion of Planck's radiation formula as Ishiwara used in 1911, which subsequently led de Broglie to introduce the concept of "phase-wave." In Part IV of Ishiwara's 1911-12 paper, in order to explain the wave-like behavior of radiation, he associated to light-quanta minute electric and magnetic vectors, which played almost the same role as de Broglie's phase-waves. The second one is his 1915 paper, "The Universal Significance of the Quantum of Action," where Ishiwara presented, for the first time, the generalized quantum condition explaining at once Planck's radiation formula and Bohr's theory of atomic constitution. In the same year, Wilson and Sommerfeld presented their own generalized quantum conditions, which Einstein criticized as not independent of the choice of coordinates. In contrast, Ishiwara's quantum condition, if unnecessary factor 1/f is omitted, reproduced essentially the same results as Einstein's quantum condition presented in 1917.
- 2010-09-24
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- 石原純の前期量子論史における位置づけ : ボーズ統計,ド・ブロイ位相波,アインシュタイン量子条件に類する先駆的研究
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