河川環境の復元と感染症 : ツツガムシ病や住血吸虫症は再燃(再流行)するか
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Diseases such as tsutsugamushi disease and schistosomiasis infected rivers and river areas of Japan in the past. Schistosomiasis was eradicated in Japan by 1980, mainly through river improvement and the introduction of concrete irrigation waterways. Very few incidences of Tsutsugamushi disease were reported between 1965 and 1975; however, new strains of the disease have emerged on a nation-wide scale since then. River improvement projects in Japan in recent years emphasize environmental protection. Practices such as river restoration, neo-natural river reconstruction, riverside recreation areas, and restoration of marches and wetlands raise the possibility that tsutsugamushi disease or schistosomiasis could re-emerge. Measures must be considered to prevent such re-emergence and to safeguard those who enter river areas from infection.
- 2010-10-20
- 河川環境の復元と感染症--ツツガムシ病や住血吸虫症は再燃(再流行)するか
- 河川環境の復元と感染症 : ツツガムシ病や住血吸虫症は再燃(再流行)するか
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