1301 建設機械における電動システム(OS8 無人化・遠隔監視,次世代物流システム・建設機械,オーガナイズド・セッション)
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Recent year, as the Kyoto Protocol get effective for stopping the global warming process, Construction machinery makers have also to face the responsibility of the CO2 reduction from their machinery. Low CO2 emission has become an important key word in their machinery development. As it can be noticed that mobile makers are actively developing the electrical automobile, construction machinery makers also put a lot of effort on researches of electricalization of their machinery. This paper introduced the developments of excavator driven by battery, hybrid wheel loader, hybrid excavator in our company, and also discussed the problems when electrical devices were applied to construction machinery. According to current experiment results, the battery excavator can cut the CO2 emission by more than 50%, and hybrid machines can cut the fuel cost by more than 25%.
- 2008-12-09
- 建設機械のハイブリッド化とハイブリッドショベル
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- 1301 建設機械における電動システム(OS8 無人化・遠隔監視,次世代物流システム・建設機械,オーガナイズド・セッション)
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