Arithmetical rank of squarefree monomial ideals of height two whose quotient rings are Cohen-Macaulay (Algebras, Languages, Algorithms in Algebraic Systems and Computations)
- Arithmetical rank of squarefree monomial ideals of height two whose quotient rings are Cohen-Macaulay (Algebras, Languages, Algorithms in Algebraic Systems and Computations)
- Arithmetical rank of squarefree monomial ideals of height two whose quotient rings are Cohen-Macaulay (代数と言語のアルゴリズムと計算理論--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- A note on Schmitt-Vogel lemma (Algorithmic and Computational Theory in Algebra and Languages)
- Arithmetical rank of squarefree monomial ideals(Algebras, Languages, Computations and their Applications)
- A new upper bound for the arithmetical rank of monomial ideals (Languages, Computations, and Algorithms in Algebraic Systems)
- On the depth of edge rings (Algebras, Languages, Algorithms and Computations)