- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is the authors index of Shuhen (The Surroundings). The Surroundings wasa magazine published by Toki Zenmaro and others from 1972 to 1980. Toki was a famouspoet and kept making tanka (one form of Japanese short poetry) throughout his entire life.He also worked as a newspaperman and was engaged in a wide variety of activities, suchas studying Japanese classical literature, studying a Chinese poet Du Fu, translatingclassical Chinese poems, making original Noh plays. The authors of The Surroundingswere not only Toki's friends and acquaintances, but people from various fields reflestingToki's wide range of activities as is mentioned above. The Surroundings was so namedbecause it was intended to write down everyday problems and interests, that is,surrounding affairs. This paper will demonstrate several points, including what companyToki kept in his later life.
- 「周辺」執筆者索引
- 土岐善磨と日比谷図書館
- 鎌田共済会郷士博物館蔵『吉田蕃教家集』翻刻と語注(下)
- 鎌田共済会郷土博物館蔵『吉田蕃教家集』翻刻と語注(上)
- 鶴尾神社蔵『吉成高好歌集』翻刻と語注(下)
- 鶴尾神社蔵『吉成高好歌集』翻刻と語注(上)
- 「雲葉和歌集」他出文献一覧-下-
- 「雲葉和歌集」他出文献一覧-上-
- 新編国歌大観本雲葉和歌集作者索引