Existence of multiple spike stationary patterns in a chemotaxis model with weak saturation (New Developments of Functional Equations in Mathematical Analysis)
- Existence of multiple spike stationary patterns in a chemotaxis model with weak saturation (New Developments of Functional Equations in Mathematical Analysis)
- Existence of multiple stable stationary patterns to some reaction-diffusion equation in heterogeneous environments (Theory of Biomathematics and its Applications VI)
- Multiple stable patterns in a balanced bistable equation with heterogeneous environments (Variational Problems and Related Topics)
- A Hardy type inequality and application to the stability of degenerate stationary waves (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)
- 偏微分方程式の定評ある教科書・古典的書籍
- Existence of positive solutions for some nonlinear elliptic equations on unbounded domains with cylindrical ends (Variational Problems and Related Topics)
- A Minimization Problem for the First Dirichlet Eigenvalue and Numerical Results (Potential Theory and its Related Fields)
- An Estimate on the Heat Kernel of Magnetic Schrodinger Operators and Uniformly Elliptic Operators with Non-negative Potentials (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations)
- Estimates of fundamental solutions for Schrodinger operators and its applications (Spectral-scattering theory and related topics)
- On Some Elliptic Equations with Nonlocal Nonlinear Terms(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)
- Asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues of the Laplacian with the mixed boundary condition and its application (Geometry of solutions of partial differential equations)