- 論文の詳細を見る
This study focuses on water hammer pumps that can effectively use the water hammer phenomenon and allow fluid transients without drive sources, such as electric motors. An understanding of water hammer pumps' operating conditions and an evaluation of their basic hydrodynamic characteristics are significant for determining whether they can be widely used as an energy-saving device in the future. However, these conventional studies have not described the pump performance in terms of pump head and flow rate, common measures indicating the performance of pumps, and are not useful in fully evaluating the pump characteristics. As a first stage for the understanding of water hammer pump performance in comparison to the characteristics of typical turbo pumps, this study focuses on understanding the basic hydrodynamic characteristics of water hammer pumps and experimentally examines how the hydrodynamic characteristics are affected by the inner diameter of the drive and lifting pipes, the form and capacity of the air chamber, and the angle of the drive pipe, which are believed to be representative geometric form factors.
- 2010-07-25
斉藤 純夫
永田 佳未
高橋 正旭
井上 大士郎
星野 雄基
斉藤 純夫
星野 雄基
井上 大士郎
斉藤 純夫
東京工業高等専門学校 機械工学科
高橋 正旭
東京工業高等専門学校 専攻科
永田 佳未
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