HTLV-I associated Myelopathy(HAM)患者への乗馬運動による重心動揺検査周波数変化の分析
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【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of home exercise with horse riding therapeutic instrument (HR) on static posture in HTLV-I associated Myelopathy (HAM) patient. 【Method】 Subject is a HAM patient of the 52 years old woman of the onset for 1990 years. An ABAB single case design was used. Two types of home exercise were used: one with the trunk and the lower limbs muscular power trainings (MT) that have been treated from first (phase A), the other with HR (phase B). Both phases each lasting one weeks. The postural balance was measured by posturography every three days. Especially, it was compared with the power spectrum analysis of the deviation of body sway between phase A and B. 【Results】 The intermediate spectrum were increased in Phase A compared with in Phase B. And the high spectrum was increased throughout all phases. 【Conclusion】 Our results indicate that using a quantitative home exercise and an objective decision index serve as the specific treatment strategy of the HAM patient.
- 2010-07-31
谷本 正智
田村 将良
磯山 明宏
水野 雅康
谷本 正智
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- HTLV-I associated Myelopathy(HAM)患者への乗馬運動による重心動揺検査周波数変化の分析
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