- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to outline the structure of the Study of Embodied Culture so that it may be established as an independent field of the academia. The current problems concerning embodied activity in our everyday living have not been clearly situated in the academic discussion. I would like to propose that these problems should be reviewed from the standpoint of human existence as a bipedal locomotion being, considering its origin and development of our embodied culture based on it over four million years. In this paper, I would develop the perspectives of studying methodology to outline the Study of Embodied Culture by incorporating the following five elements, Yuasa's indications, inside-river logic, outside-river logic, original culture and embodiment. It is my sincere hope that this paper offers a good start point for the academic discussion on these problems, and we can eventually lay the firm foundation of the Study of Embodied Culture.
- 2010-05-30
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