アメリカ中西部の小都市における建売分譲住宅事情(報告) オハイオ州デラウェア郡周辺の場合
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In this paper, it verified about the feature, in America incidental facilities of the room of a ready-built condominium. Consequently, it turns out that existence of the room with a big area called Great Rpp, amd Family Room other than Living Room is characteristic. Moreover, as a result of comparing with the Public Housing Standard of Japan about each part store area, such as sitting room, a bedroom, and a kitchen, it turns out that the residence in the United States has from 1.5 times to twice as many width as this. The same is said of the area of the whole residence, and it is imagined that existence of Great Room of the above and Family Room is the cause. In my two papers, the results referred to as having not made a great difference were achieved about the housing price in Japan and the United States. Moreover, since it had passed through the time from the postwar housing-shortage situation, although it was a reason with the guess whether there is any many difference also about area, in this paper, the disadvantageous area situation anew was thrown into relief. Moreover, in a condominium, I was thinking the feature and the privilege in a housing inside-and-outside part as important, and understand also about each point how a maker excites a consumer's purchase volition.
- 2010-03-31
- アメリカ中西部の小都市における建売分譲住宅事情(報告) オハイオ州デラウェア郡周辺の場合
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