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Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory oral mucosal disease of unknown etiology. The histology of OLP includes hyperkeratosis, degeneration of basal cells, and dense subepithelial infiltration of T cells. Leukoplakia is a typical hyperkeratosis lesion in oral mucosa, and a previous study of leukoplakia showed intracellular location of oral mycoplasma in the epithelial cells of leukoplakia. Then, this study was performed to examine intracellular location of mycoplasma in the epithelial cells of OLP similar to leukoplakia. Thirty-five formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens of OLP were examined, and fifteen normal mucosa specimens were used as controls. To compare between OLP and leukoplakia, twenty-four specimens with leukoplakia were examined. In 32 of 35 (91.4%) specimens with OLP, fluorescing structures were observed, while 5 of 15 (33.3%) specimens with normal mucosa were positive. In OLP, positive reactions were observed in the lower part of the epithelium rather than in the upper part of the epithelium. Especially, a lot of fluorescing structures were observed in basal cells. However, few or no structures were detected in basal cells of leukoplakia. These findings suggest that intracellular localization of mycoplasma is related to onset and evolution in OLP as well as in leukoplakia. And the presence and amounts of mycoplasma in the basal cells are thought to be related to the difference between OLP and leukoplakia.
- 2010-04-23
- 免疫組織化学による口腔扁平苔癬の上皮におけるマイコプラズマの局在の検討
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