神の「場所」という概念をてがかりに : 東アジアの宗教思想空間と近世日本「前期神話論」〉の序論として
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The topic of the precedence of polytheism over monotheism in Japan has been hotly debated as a recent religious phenomena tightly connected and intertwined with worldwide political affairs in both society and academic circles. For instance, the quality of nature-based religion inherent in Shinto has worked cathartically to spearhead a return to a chaotic sphere where the Gods and Buddha exist in relationship with each other. This study, which will be carried out over a three-year period, highlights the construction of the pre-modern mythology of Japan as the main basis for examining the "theorization" of the world of Shinto as the next step in this process. Motoori Norinaga especially plays a crucial role in finding out new possibilities and perspectives in analyzing Japanese mythology of the pre-modern era. Yet, ideas reflected in Norinaga's works undoubtedly stem from previous research carried out by other scholars such as Arai Hakuseki, well known for introducing mythology based on Confucianism. Hakuseki's thought, influenced by Confusion, is especially important since "Kokugaku," the study of Japanese classical literature, is not the sole factor behind the development of pre-modern mythology. In light of these points, this paper will first aim to reveal the causes and effects of issuess surrounding past mythology. One of the characteristics of past mythology is that it tends to compare Japanese knowledge with that of China. This concept of relativity taken from the Japanese history of thought is one of the factors which contributed to the construction of the formation of Japanese mythology in the premodern period. Norinaga, in the middle of the Tokugawa era, tries to figure out how to get rid of this specific relativism peculiar to Japan, yet still uses it as one his methods to advance the study of mythology. He comes to the conclusion that, in the case of Japan, there is some vague concept of "basho," which could be translated as "spheres" in English, i.e., where the gods reside, as compared to other kinds of religions in East Asia where such a notion is rarely advocated through new realization of absolute truth, but as knowledge which exists in relation to other kinds of knowledge, not in separation from them. By focusing on and examining in depth Norinaga's reevaluation of this belief in absolutism instead of relativism, this turnaround in terms of thinking will surely help analyze previous research of pre-modern mythology and help in understanding its meaning and significance in depth. Previously, pre-modern my the logy was shrouded in secrecy and therefore it has been difficult to gauge its impact on ongoing research to date.
- 2009-03-31
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