マロリーのMorte Darthur 研究 -聖ミカエル山の巨人退治(1)-
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The episode of the King Arthur's fight with a giant is narrated in the fifth chapter of Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur. This adventure can be considered as a "hero's journey" for King Arthur to prove and establish his sovereignty of both in the Celtic and the Christian world. This is shown by the King Arthur's actions that, throughout the adventure, or journey, King Arthur challenges this trial by himself. In this study, to show Arthur's establishment of his sovereignty in both Celtic and Christian world, first, we classified Malory's expressions into either Celt-related or Christianity-related expressions respectively. Then we analyzed each classified expression in terms of sovereignty. In addition to this fact, the episode has a possibility of a kind of transitional point in this King Arthur's "journey" to Mt. Saint Michael, that is, we reached to the conclusion that this portion of the episode is the "turning point", or transition, of the Celtic world to the Christian world in the whole story of Morte Darthur.
- 2010-01-31
- マロリーのMorte Darthur 研究 -聖ミカエル山の巨人退治(1)-
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