顔の知覚における iconic memory の情報処理プロセスの検討
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The speed of transmitting information on facial parts from iconic memory to visual short-term memory(VSTM) was investigated.Participants responded whether a `target` facial stimulus that was masked after variable Inter Stimulus Intervals(ISI: 10-500 ms.) and a `test` facial stimulus shown after the masked stimulus,were same or different.Effects of the ISI and the type of facial parts that changed between the target and the test stimulus on the rate of correct responses in identical decision tasks was assessed. The results indicated that facial information related to the face line and the eyes were forwarded from iconic memory to VSTM as early as 10 ms after the presentation of the facial stimulus, as indicated by high correct responses to changes in these facial parts, even under the shortest ISI condition. Correct responses to changes in other parts, such as the eyebrows, the nose, and the mouth, were either on or below chance level for all ISI conditions. These findings suggest that information on these parts might not be transmitted to VSTM even after 500 ms of the presentation of a facial stimulus.
- 2010-03-31
- 顔の知覚における iconic memory の情報処理プロセスの検討
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