- 論文の詳細を見る
Present study was performed to investigate the immunological effects of splenectomy in the patients with gastric cancer and tumor bearing mice. The results were obtained as follows. 1. Tumor growth of the group splenectomized 2-3 weeks after transplantation was suppressed in comparison with the control group in ICR mice bearing Sarcoma 180. 2. In the patients with gastric cancer near the cardia, the metastases to the lymph nodes of splenic hilus and splenic artery were frequently found. Therefore, it was considered that gastrectomy combined with splenectomy and distal pancreatectomy was useful to clear the regional lymph nodes-metastases. 3. Blastoid formation of T cells by non-specific mitogens was decreased at 30-40 days after operation in the patients received gastrectomy combined with splenectomy. Numbers of peripheral lymphocytes and diameters of PPD reactions were increased at 1-6 years after operation in the patients underwent gastrectomy combined with splenectomy. 5. Subpopulation and subsets of splenic lymphocytes of the patients with gastric cancer were quite similar to those of portal hypertension, and difference between the blastoid formation of splenic lymphocytes of gastric cancer and that of portal hypertension could not be found. Sera of splenic vein and peripheral blood which obtained from the patients with gastric cancer suppressed normal lymphocyte reaction. The results suggested that spleen was a part of origines of humoral immunosuppressive factors in the patients with gastric cancer.
- 神戸大学の論文
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