さまざまな接合ディテールを有する鋼板せん断壁の構造性能 In-Rak Choi amd Hong-Gun Park:Steel Plate Shear Walls with Various Infill Plate Designs [ASCE,Journal of Structural Engineering,Vol.135,No.7,July,2009,pp.785-796](構造,文献抄録)
さまざまな接合ディテールを有する鋼板せん断壁の構造性能 In-Rak Choi amd Hong-Gun Park:Steel Plate Shear Walls with Various Infill Plate Designs [ASCE,Journal of Structural Engineering,Vol.135,No.7,July,2009,pp.785-796](構造,文献抄録)
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S接合部と合成床を有する二層鋼板せん断壁の実大実験 Bing Qu, Michael Bruneau, Chin-Han Lin, Keh-Chyuan Tsai : Testing of Full-scale Two-Story Steel Plate Shear Wall with Reduced Beam Section Connections and Composite Floors [ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 134, No.3, M
コロンビア耐震基準NSR-98に従って設計された鉄骨ラーメン建物の耐震性能 Nohemy Galindez,and Peter Thomson: Performances of steel moment-frame buildings designed according to the Colombian code NSR-98 [Engineering Structure,November,2007,pp.1462-1470](構造,文献抄録)