- 論文の詳細を見る
We performed a retrospective analysis of the long-term prognosis of 407 patients with single-vessel coronary artery disease. Within a mean follow-up period of 60 months, 21 patients died (including cardiac death in 6 patients), the 5-year survival rate was 95.2%, 27 patients (6.8%) had non-fatal myocardial infarction, and 8 patients (2.0%) required hospitalization for unstable angina pectoris. In 22 of 35 patients (63%) with non-fatal cardiac events (27 had recurrent myocardial infarction and 8 had unstable angina), cardiac events occurred at a different site than the first lesion. The mean duration to cardiac event that occurring at same site was 16.7 ± 14.8 months, and at other site was 46.2 ± 31.3 months. We evaluated the effect of maximum stenosis at the coronary artery, except at the first culprit lesion, on incidence of cardiac events. Eighteen of 109 patients (16.5%) with 50~74% stenosis had cardiac events, 16 of 148 (10.8%) with 25-49% stenosis, 5 of 63 (7.9%) with irregularity~24%, and 2 of 76 (2.6%) without irregularity. These results suggest that the long-term prognosis of patients with single-vessel coronary artery disease is good, and the incidence of cardiac event that occurring at other site is higher than at same site.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1996-11-25
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