- 論文の詳細を見る
To study the relevance of anti-donor antibody to chronic rejection in kidney transplant recipients, we retrospectively examined the long-term kinetics of anti-donor antibody by flowcytometric analysis. Among 537 recipients who underwent kidney transplantation between 1986 and 1994, 21 recipients with poor graft function (group A) and 31 recipients with stable graft function (group B) were randomly selected for the investigation. The sera from recipients were analyzed for the presence of anti-donor antibody against donor T and B lymphocytes at several time points after transplantation. In group A, IgG antibody against donor B lymphocyte was significantly higher than that in group B at day 28 and at the time of latest examination (latest) (day 28, p<0.03; latest, p<0.0001). This antibody was positive in 20 recipients out of 21 in group A, whereas only one was positive in group B, at latest (p<0.0001). However, the level of IgG antibody against donor T lymphocyte did not change significantly after transplantation. In group A, antibody against donor T lymphocyte became positive in only 5 recipients, and no patients were positive in group B. From these findings, IgG antibody against donor B lymphocyte appeared to be associated with long-term graft function.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1996-11-25
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