ヒト絨毛・胎盤におけるinsulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding proteinの局在とIGF-IによるhCG・hPL分泌促進作用との相関の研究
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Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) associates with specific binding proteins (IGFBPs) to form complexes in various biological fluids and tissues. IGF-I and IGFBPs are known to play important roles in fetal growth and development, although the physiological roles of these proteins are not fully established. We studied correlation of localization of IGFBPs with hCG and hPL release by IGF-I throughout gestation to elucidate the role of IGFBPs in human chorionic villi and placenta. The formalin-fixed tissues were embedded in paraffin wax. Each section was stained with specific antibodies to IGFBP-1, -2, -3 and -4 using labeled streptavidin biotin method. All of the IGFBPs except IGFBP-3 were localized in both syncytiotrophoblasts (S cells) and cytotrophoblasts (C cells) at 4 to 5 weeks of gestation. A similar localization was observed at 6 to 8 weeks with additional localization of all IGFBPs at the syncytial sprout. At 9 to 12 weeks of gestation, all IGFBPs were identified in the C cells and the syncytial sprout. Only IGFBP-1 and -4 were expressed in S cells. After 13 weeks of gestation until term all IGFBPs were mainly localized in C cells. Trophoblast cells at 8 and 38 weeks of gestation were incubated with a various concentrations of IGF-I, then hCG and hPL release into medium was measured. The amount of released hCG by IGF-I in the trophoblast at 8 weeks was greater than those at 38 weeks. By contrast, IGF-I stimulated hPL release in the cells at 38 weeks was greater than those at 8 weeks. Since IGF-I is involved in placental endocrine function, metabolism and proliferation, these placental IGFBPs modify IGF-I action in the placenta in a paracrine/auto-crine fashion, and the change of localization of IGFBPs in early gestation suggests that these may be involved in the regulation of chorionic villous and placental function.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1997-12-25
- 産婦人科領域感染症に対するcefluprenamの臨床的評価
- 339 成熟卵胞におけるIGF-IとIGF結合蛋白の生物学的意義
- ヒト絨毛・胎盤におけるInsulin-Like Growth Factor(IGF)-Binding Proteinの局在とIGF-IによるhCG・hPL分泌促進作用との相関の研究(学位論文の内容の要旨および審査の結果の要旨 第37集(平成10年5月))
- ヒト絨毛・胎盤におけるinsulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding proteinの局在とIGF-IによるhCG・hPL分泌促進作用との相関の研究
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