内分泌と免疫 : 内分泌細胞と免疫系とのクロストーク(免疫学の進歩-基礎と臨床-,シンポジウム,東京女子医科大学学会第308回例会)
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Bi-directional interaction between the immune and endocrine system may represent an important mechanism that maintains homeostasis during acute inflammation. Systemic immune challenge by intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide induces the production of several cytokines including interleukin (IL)-1, 6, tumor necrosis factor-α, and nitric oxide within the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, thereby activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. IL-6 has been reported to be a potent stimulator of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion in human without minimal side effect. Thus, IL-6 might be employed as a challenge test of ADH and ACTH. Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) in patients with inflammatory disorders and malignancies may result from the production of IL-6. Recently it has been demonstrated that the principal hypothalamic regulator of the HPA axis, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), has proinflammatory effects. Site of inflammation contains large amounts of CRF (immune CRF). Immunoreactive CRF is locally secreted in the synovium of patient with rheumatoid arthritis and concentration of CRF in synovial fluid is high. Thus, antagonist of CRF may control inflammatory disease in which CRF has a primary pathological role. Understanding of the endocrineimmune system interactions may provide a new insight into elucidation of the mechanism of the disease and development of diagnostic as well as therapeutic agents in the future.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1997-06-25
- 91 胸腺腫を合併し自然経過で消失した気管隆起性病変の 1 例(症例 (II))
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- 内分泌系よりみた循環調節
- I-E-17 インスリン低血糖試験及びCRF試験におけるACTH、コルチゾール(F)、及びカテコラミン分泌へのDiazepamの影響(内分泌・代謝I)
- I-E-5 ストレス下における抗不安薬の視床下部CRFに対用する作用 : in situ hybridization法による検討(基礎I)
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- ACTH産生腫瘍の長期予後:術後内分泌検査との関連・術後放射線の効果
- 内分泌救急処理
- 内分泌と免疫 : 内分泌細胞と免疫系とのクロストーク(免疫学の進歩-基礎と臨床-,シンポジウム,東京女子医科大学学会第308回例会)
- CRF分泌ニューロンシステム : CRFによる ultrashort feedback 機構
- 5. 内分泌と免疫(シンポジウム 免疫学の進歩-基礎と臨床-,東京女子医科大学学会第308回例会)
- (2)視床下部CRF遺伝子発現の調節