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Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) induces numerous systemic reactions in infants. The purpose of this study was to examine the biocompatibility of microdomain structural extracorporeal circuits in infants. Twenty-one ventricular septal defect patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery were randomly divided into three groups: group C; conventional circuit and oxgenator group (n=7), group M; microdomain structural circuit and heparin bonded oxygenator group (n=7), and group H; heparin bonded circuit and heparin bonded oxygenator group (n=7) . Measurements of blood cell count, fibrinogen, AT-III, D-dimer, bradykinin and complement system were made before CPB, after 5 min of CPB, just after CPB, 2 hr after CPB and 24 hr after CPB. There were significant differences for group M in platelet reduction (p<0.05) and AT-III reduction (p<0.05) between group M and group C or H. But there were no significant differences in fibrinogen reduction and D-dimer production. There tended to be less bradykinin generation in group M (p=0.06 vs group C and p=0.08 vs group H). And there tended to be less C3a activation in group M (p=0.08 vs group C and p=0.08 vs group H). The microdomain structure seemed to reduce systemic reactions compared with heparin bonded circuits and non-bonded circuits.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 2000-12-25
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