- 論文の詳細を見る
Various types of heparin coating techniques are applied to blood-contacting surfaces of membrane oxygenators to improve biocompatibility of the cardiopulmonary bypass system and circulatory assist device. An investigation has been made regarding the protein layers formed on the heparin coated (N=9) and non-coated (N=8) surfaces of membrane oxygenators during coronary artery bypass grafting operations (N=17). Adsorbed proteins were extracted by sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS). SDS-PAGE and immunoblots showed that factor H, C1q, and antithrombin III were significantly adsorbed on the heparinized surface. The difference of the amount of protein between those groups was not significant. Anti factor Xa activity on the heparinized surface remained at 66% of the control after the operations. Scanning electron microscope analysis demonstrated that adhesion of blood cells was less significant in the heparinized group. These results emphasize the effectiveness of surface heparinization in enhancing blood-surface compatibility. Heparinized surface may take part in not only the regulation of protein adsorption but also degeneration of the adsorbed protein.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 2000-11-25
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