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Microchimerism has been proposed as one of the mechanisms of autoimmunity in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Thus, the persistence of fetal cells within the bodies of mothers may contribute to the pathogenesis of SSc. To address this issue, we established a nested PCR method to quantitate the proportion of cells derived from male fetuses in the circulation of Japanese SSc patients who had delivered male babies. We designed a set of external primers to amplify the Y chromosome-specific sequence, p49a. Standard curves were constructed from the data of experiments where DNA samples containing various proportions of male genomic DNA in female DNA were applied to the assay procedure. The proportion of male DNA in the whole DNA was determined using the standard curves of white blood cells from 20 female SSc patients and 20 healthy women, each of whom had delivered at least one male baby. Male DNA was detectable in 8 of 20 patients with SSc, and 6 of 20 control subjects. The percentage of positive individuals was not significantly different. The proportion of male DNA in the whole DNA, however, tended to be higher in SSc patients. In addition, the proportion of male DNA in 2 SSc patients was 3-fold higher than the maxium value for the control subjects. Thesm was not higher in SSc patients than in control subjects. The proportion of male DNA, however, was elevated in some SSc patients, suggesting that an elevated proportion of fetal cells in mothers may be associated with the development of SSc.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 2001-08-25
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