- 論文の詳細を見る
To investigate the effect of bathing on heart rate variability (HRV) in healthy subjects and in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). We investigated 28 healthy subjects (17 healthy young [HY], average: 27.1 years; and 11 healthy elderly [HE], average: 61.8 years), and 31 CAD patients. Of the CAD patients, 11 and one-vessel disease (1C, average: 60.6 years), 9 had two-vessel disease (2C, average: 62.8 years), and 11 had three-vessel disease (3C, average: 72.1 years), We monitored ECG during bathing, and analyzed each time-series of the R-R interval by the maximum entropy method. The time-series of the overlapped 60-sec segment was analyzed 10 sec steps for each 5-min bathing (40 ℃), using a low frequency (LF) component (0.04~0.15 Hz) and a high frequency (HF) component (0.15~0.40 Hz), the LF/HF ratio was calculated. The power of the HF component was smaller in the CAD group than in the HE groups. When chest pain occurred during bathing, an episodic decrease in the HF component along with an increase in LF/HF ratio were observed just before an episode of myocardial ischemia. HE subjects showed significantly disturbed autoregulation in the cardiovascular system compared to HY subjects. The 3C group demonstrated greater decrease in autonomic nervous system activity than the 1C and 2C groups. These findings suggest that dysfunction of these autoregulation mechanisms is one risk for sudden cardiac death during bathing, and that HRV and ECG monitoring during bathing as a preventive measure is prudent in CAD patients.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 2001-03-25
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