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The monkey is the best experimental animal for studying vestibulo-ocular reflexes because the positions of the eyes and ears are similar to those in humans. However, the anatomical structure of the membranous semicircular canals (SCCs) has not been thoroughly studied in monkeys. The present report describes the three-dimensional reconstruction of the membranous SCCs of three monkeys, two Macaca mullatta and one Macaco, fascicularis, from serial sections of temporal bones. The temporal bones on both sides were extirpated in one block. The angles between the SCCs on one side ranged from (mean±SD) 82.8±6.6° (posterior-lateral SCO to 96.6±3.7° (anterior-lateral SCC). The angles between the synergistic pairs on both sides were 162.1±7.8° for both lateral SCCs and 162.6±3.0° for the anterior and opposite side's posterior SCCs. The angle between both anteriorcanals was 89.9±10.7°, while that between both posterior canals was 81.0±3.8°. The diameter of the SCCs was4.31±0.37 mm, and the cross-sectional diameter was 0.46±0.06 mm. These results showed that the angles between the three SCCs in one ear were not rectangular, with large individual differences. Furthermore, the three synergistic pairs of bilateral SCCs were not parallel. Three-dimensional information from each ear must be integrated in high-order vestibular systems.
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