1990年代以降の韓国貿易構造の変化と特徴 : 商品別貿易の分析を中心に
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This paper is stated about An Analysis on Trade Structure in Korea since 1990's. In particular focusing on trade of commodity. The result of analysis is as follows: Firstly the trend of export value was demonstrated. Korean export has increased since 1990's but in 1998 and 2001. One of their years is the following year when the currency and finance crisis occurred in Korea and another is the year when IT bubble burst. After the currency and finance crisis in 1997,balance of payment in Korea changed from deficit to surplus. The surplus decreased gradually. But it began to increase again as a bottom in 2001.Nevertheless balance of payment in this year will be predicted to turn to deficit. Secondly the trend of exchange rate was analyzed. The exchange rate of won to dollar was, on the whole, devaluated throughout 1990's. It goes without saying that its exchange rate devaluated all the more when the currency and finance crisis occurred in December in 1997.After then it rose gradually till IT bubble burst. Though it fell in because of IT bubble burst, it has risen again since 2003.At present it has fallen sharply again since August in this year. Thirdly Korean economy has still had a structure depending on export. However it don't have such a structure leaded by export now. Fourthly export of commodity was analyzed. Electric product has become to be the most export goods since 1990's. Machinery has become second to it. Korean export structure has sophisticated more and more. Semiconductor and motor car occupies around 10 percentage each other in total export value now. The light industrial goods decreased their share contrastively. For example living goods are suitable for above case. Finally in the case of import, mineral fuel, in particular import value of petroleum increase rapidly in these years, because of international petroleum price rise. it will cause deficit of balance of payment in 2008.
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