Self-Adaptive Mobile Agent Population Control in Dynamic Networks Based on the Single Species Population Model(Distributed Cooperation and Agents)
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Mobile-agent-based distributed computing is one of the most promising paradigms to support autonomic computing in a large-scale of distributed system with dynamics and diversity: mobile agents traverse the distributed system and carry out a sophisticated task at each node adaptively. In mobile-agent-based systems, a larger number of agents generally require shorter time to complete the whole task but consume more resources (e.g., processing power and network bandwidth). Therefore, it is indispensable to keep an appropriate number of agents for the application on the mobile-agent-based system. This paper considers the mobile agent population control problem in dynamic networks: it requires adjusting the number of agents to a constant fraction of the current network size. This paper proposes algorithms inspired by the single species population model, which is a well-known population ecology model. These two algorithms are different in knowledge of networks each node requires. The first algorithm requires global information at each node, while the second algorithm requires only the local information. This paper shows by simulations that the both algorithms realize self-adaptation of mobile agent population in dynamic networks, but the second algorithm attains slightly lower accuracy than the first one.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-01-01
Izumi Taisuke
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
Izumi Tomoko
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
Izumi Taisuke
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka University
OOSHITA Fukuhito
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
MASUZAWA Toshimitsu
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Masuzawa Toshimitsu
Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Izumi Taisuke
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Masuzawa Toshimitsu
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka‐shi Jpn
Ooshita Fukuhito
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka University
Suzuki Tomoko
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka University
Oshita Fukuhito
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
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